Galaxy S2 device hack pack..
I've been compiling information for UnBrickable mod on the various versions of the Galaxy S2 device. This generation is by-far the most decentralized "model" I've ever heard of. Some of the devices contain Exynos processors, some Qualcomm and others have OMAP. We've conducted research on this generation of device in the following threads: AT&T GS2 UART/bootloader hacking Epic 4G Touch information gatheringGalaxy Nexus UnBrickable Mod development But you're here for the Galaxy S2 Hack Pack. This Hack Pack is designed to help out those looking for information on modifying and/or repairing their expensive devices. This package contains: Reading Material GT-i9100 official service manual - service manual which applies to most GS2 devices Exynos 4120 public datasheet -datasheet explaining internal workings of the chip Origenboard documentation -Exynos based development board OMAP 4430 datasheets -datasheet explaining internal workings of ...