Tweak your rooted android device with build.prop
Hey everybody, just wanted to share the below build.prop performance tweaks. I have been using them for some time now trying different values to see what works the best. General Performance debug.sf.hw=1 Edit existing line, dalvik.vm.heapsize=48m persist.sys.ui.hw=1 Faster Scrolling ro.max.fling_velocity=12000 ro.min.fling_velocity=8000 Saves power pm.sleep_mode=1 windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=60 wifi.supplicant_scan_interval=180 *If you don’t keep Wi-Fi active lowering the value below the default of 90 seems to make Wi-Fi connect faster after being turned on but will consume more power if turning Wi-Fi off has been forgotten when not in range of a known network. ro.mot.eri.losalert.delay=1000 *Should smooth out disconnects and reconnects, saving battery. Seems to brake tethering with CM7, let me know if anyone else experiences this issue. Raises quality of images ro.m...